Captivating, original photography rooted in Denver and crafted to inspire Blah, blah, blah…

If you’ve landed here, you probably have heard every possible marketing jargon and creative b*llshit term there is.

I’m Ethan.
I make photographs.

Sometimes of bikes. Sometimes of buildings. Sometimes of bread. And sometimes, just because it’s fun. I skip photoshop and presets. Bypass digital cameras altogether occasionally and shoot film.  Not because it’s edgy. Not because it’s retro. Because it feels like photography is more than a just pressing a button.

All the photographs you see are here not because they’re technically perfect. Not because they’re radically different. Not because they’re iconic. But because I like them. I think they look authentic. I don’t have some brave new pitch to get your brand night and day results. (Hint, no one does). I take pictures because I enjoy it. And I’ll bring that same joy on set with you.

Some people struggle to find their vision. Some brands struggle to get out of the same agency rut they’ve been in for the last two decades. Some firms can’t find a way to capture the soul of their own brilliance. I’m here to help you find a voice; and show it to the world.

If you read that and it resonates with you, let’s chat. If not, no hard feelings. Here’s to making meaning in a world bloated with imagery. Here’s to keeping the magic of photography alive.

P.S. When I’m not obsessing over white balance, you can find me floating down trails on a bike, carving the Rockies on skis, or wrestling with my Golden-Newf pup, Isla.



